A Song For Joel
Please note: This blog post has been updated to reflect this event’s current name.
In 2015 I wrote a less complete version of this song, Flint Hills, for Salsa Cycles who was making a short film about the Unbound Gravel 200. This film, as many will remember is called I Ride For Her.
In 2015 and 2016 I rode the Unbound Gravel 200. I saw first hand what a tremendously positive impact this race has had on the community. I went back to the song and wrote a couple more verses. I wanted to capture more of what I had experienced and I also wanted to pay tribute to Joel Dyke and the role he played in creating this incredible event.
With the help of my partners at Salsa Cycles and Jim Cummins at Unbound Gravel Promotions we want to use this song to help support Joel’s wife Michelle and family. The download price is set at $1.99 but there is an option to pay more if you would like to. Simply follow the prompts when you buy. All the proceeds from the first penny go to Joel’s family.
Thank you for riding hard and grinnin’ big!