Best of The Chaise: 2019 Ochoco Gravel Roubaix

The Chaise took us out west to Prineville, Oregon—a land of beautiful scenery, excellent riding, and hospitable hosts. We appreciate each and every one of you who stopped to talk to us or sat down for a photo on The Chaise. We all had a heck of a time, as you can probably tell from this selection of favorites from the day. #ChaseTheChaise

1. Letting the bike shine

Rider’s bike is propped up on the chaise while he sits, smiling, on the ground in front of it.

2. Just resting the eyes

Rider relaxes, napping on the chaise.

3. Make yourself at home

Rider sits on the chaise sipping a beverage with his bike propped next to him.

4. TKO

Rider is collapsed on the chaise looking winded with his bike propped up next to him.

5. Searching for the meaning of it all...

Rider stands on the chaise looking into the distance and shielding his eyes.

6. Catnap

Rider is curled up on the chase as if for a nap but smiling at the camera.

7. A Little rest and rehydration

Rider relaxes on the chase with one leg up, tipping back a beverage.

8. The Costanza

Rider poses on the case looking back at the camera like George Costanza from ‘Seinfeld’.

9. Pumped for gravel

Rider stands on the chaise yelling and beating her chest.

10. Will jump for Chaise

Rider leaps up off the chase with her arms in the air and a big smile.

11. Viva La Chaise

Rider is laying on the chase with his legs in the air. His bike lies on the ground in front of him.

12. If it ain't moto...

EMS medic on his motorcycle in front of the chaise.

Again, our thanks to all who stopped at The Chaise.

Click here to view all the Chase The Chaise images from 2018 and thus far into 2019.

NEXT CHAISE STOP: UnPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley on October 13. We hope to see some of you there!

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