Best Of The Chaise: 2019 unPAved of Susquehanna River Valley

On behalf of photographer Scott Haraldson, copywriter Harrison Maddox, and myself, it was a real treat getting to share a moment of your unPAved day in PA. Below are a few of my favorite Chase The Chaise photos from the day, but be sure to check out all the images via this link.

Thanks to all who took part in the 2019 unPAved of Susquehanna River Valley event. We look forward to seeing you again.

In no particular order...

1. And then I wake up

Two riders, one laying on the chaise talking while the other sits on the arm listening, as if they are a patient and psychiatrist.

2. Star power

Rider poses on the chase with hand to her forehead and one leg kicked up.

3. Prim and proper

Rider sits on the arm of the chaise with hands on his knees in a prim pose while looking at the camera.

4. Three amigos

Three riders sitting on the couch looking tired and happy and flashing peach signs to the camera.

5. Done...and dunner

Rider sits spread-eagle on the chaise with his head back looking exhausted.

Rider is sprawled on the chaise with one leg up on it and his head back as if he has collapsed in exhaustion.

6. Proud Momma

Mother and daughter riders stand smiling with their tandem bike in front of the chase.

7. Pulling the whole ensemble together nicely

Rider in a colorful kit sitting on the chaise near her bike. She’s flashing peace signs and grinning at the camera.

8. Perfectly imperfect

Four riders sitting on the chaise with the legs crossed. All have serious expressions except one.

9. Snug as a bug in a gravel rug

Rider lays on the case covered with a blanket as if napping.

10. Queen of the world

Two riders stand on the chaise behind their tandem bike. One rider leans forward being supported by the other like the famous image from the movie ‘Titanic’.

11. Look Ma! No feet!

Rider is doing a handstand in front of the chaise.

12. Traumatized

Rider is curled up on his side on the chaise, grimacing as if in pain or fear. His bike lays on the ground in front of him.

13. There's been a murder in Savanah Susquehanna

Rider lays sprawled, face down, half on and half off the chase as if he has collapsed.

and last, but certainly not least...

14. unPAved Costanza

Shirtless rider kneels on chaise looking back at the camera in imitation of the George Constanza photo from ‘Seinfeld’.

Our thanks again to all who stopped for their portraits. Next stop...Gravel MOB

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