Best Of The Chaise: 2019 unPAved of Susquehanna River Valley
On behalf of photographer Scott Haraldson, copywriter Harrison Maddox, and myself, it was a real treat getting to share a moment of your unPAved day in PA. Below are a few of my favorite Chase The Chaise photos from the day, but be sure to check out all the images via this link.
Thanks to all who took part in the 2019 unPAved of Susquehanna River Valley event. We look forward to seeing you again.
In no particular order...
1. And then I wake up
2. Star power
3. Prim and proper
4. Three amigos
5. Done...and dunner
6. Proud Momma
7. Pulling the whole ensemble together nicely
8. Perfectly imperfect
9. Snug as a bug in a gravel rug
10. Queen of the world
11. Look Ma! No feet!
12. Traumatized
13. There's been a murder in Savanah Susquehanna
and last, but certainly not least...
14. unPAved Costanza
Our thanks again to all who stopped for their portraits. Next stop...Gravel MOB