

Salsa Cycles celebrates the culture of the gravel cycling movement. Through grassroots and DIY efforts, the calendar of high-quality gravel races continues to grow, and so too does the number of B-Road fanatics that travel, support, ride and race together throughout the year. This season, at five events across the country, we’ll be giving racers a chance to relax – if just for a minute – to immortalize a moment of their day and their participation in a fantastic event.


One luxurious lounge. One photographer. Five different gravel family rooms. Dirt, sweat, and tears from thousands of riders across the land. Photographic portraits to capture it all.

· Somewhere on course, you will encounter THE CHAISE

· Stop and pose for your portrait

· Receive a limited-edition patch, unique to each event, and head off to finish your ride

· Visit www.chasethechaise.com and enter your email to download and share your pictures using the hashtag #chasethechaise

· Celebrate your accomplishment!


March 17th, Landrun 100, Stillwater, Oklahoma

May 12th, Coast to Coast Gravel Grinder, Saginaw Bay, Michigan

May 26th, Le Grande Du Nord, Grand Marais, MN

June 2nd, Dirty Kanza 200, Emporia, Kanza

September 29th, JayP’s Gravel Pursuit, Island Park, Idaho

Crushing gravel with crushed velvet…


Land Run 100 from Salsa Cycles on Vimeo.

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