Choice Cuts–Ben Weaver
Throughout December and into January, we’re sharing some of the Salsa Crew's and our sponsored riders' favorite moments from 2015. By all accounts, it was a great year!
This past fall, I was fortunate to participate in Salsa RideCamp. A weekend of riding, workshops, and storytelling that took place in Seeley, Wisconsin. Late into one of the evenings, I found myself standing around the fire talking with Tim Ek, another Salsa rider (whose great stories I am sure many of you are already familiar with). Our conversation began by sharing updates and anecdotes from recent rides, but somehow meandered into a discussion of different strategies for riding singletrack.
The fire ring at RideCamp captured many a tale ...
“Look where you want to go, not where you don’t want to go.” Back-lit by the fire, and a creek-like hum from other post-ride conversations taking place around us, these were some mighty words of wisdom Tim shared. He elaborated, saying that while riding singletrack, he constantly looks 10 feet up the trail at where he wants to go, and then back down just ahead of his front wheel, continually flowing along the track by connecting these two points, where he is, to where he wants to go.
This past year has been a tremendously inspiring collection of rides, rambles, and adventures, spilling over with new friendships, terrain, and plans for the future. Something that unites all the people and experiences of this past year is stories. Stories are what keep us going as we travel. They are what we bring back when returning home. Stories allow us to connect and introduce the people and places we leave behind with the people and places we meet along the way.
As my year comes to an end, I am incredibly grateful for all the support from my family, friends, fans, and partners. Tim’s singletrack riding strategy has continued to stick in my mind as I process the past year. They are words to live by. To keep our stories alive, we have to remember where we have been, without forgetting where we want to go.
Aurora Borealis over RideCamp ...
Here is a video that my brother made from the last trip of 2015, riding on the Pacific Northwest Coast to perform in a series of Bike Shops. Hope you enjoy.
Ben Weaver is a songwriter and poet. He has released eight studio albums of music and four books of poetry. Read more about his adventures by bike here.
Listen and purchase his music here.
Follow Ben on social media:
Instagram @despoblado
Facebook @benweavermusic