Long Story Short: Warbird vs. Warroad

“Should I get a Warbird or a Warroad?” It’s a question we hear a lot at Salsa. And while we’ll never stop you from just getting both, the best one for you depends on the type of riding you do. We generally like to say that Warbird is our gravel race bike, best suited for riding gravel with a side of road riding, while Warroad, our endurance road bike, was designed for riding on pavement or smooth gravel.

To get a little more in-depth, we spoke to Pete Hall, design engineer for both the Warbird and Warroad and probably the best person in the world to elaborate on these bikes’ unique ride characteristics. In our latest episode of Long Story Short, he’ll walk you through the similarities and differences of Warbird and Warroad and talk about when he rides one over the other.

Without further ado, here’s Pete:

Long Story Short: Warbird vs. Warroad from Salsa Cycles on Vimeo.

Thanks to Pete, you're basically an expert on Warbird and Warroad now—choose with confidence.

Stay tuned for more Long Story Short episodes! Each will take a dive into our product line or product feature, or just how certain things happen at Salsa Cycles.

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