Salsa Cycles Presents: Instruments Of Adventure

I’m pleased to introduce my new film, Instruments of Adventure, presented by Salsa Cycles.

In Summer of 2016, five friends traversed a large swath of southern Alaska via sea kayaks, fat bikes, and packrafts. Through interviews and footage shot along the way, the adventurers share their experiences and reflections about the journey.

Why instruments? It’s easy to be lulled into thinking bicycles, kayaks, and packrafts are tools—they are—but as any craftsperson knows, handling a tool with expertise is akin to masterfully playing a musical instrument.

The Sea Kayak: An ancient vessel of Arctic origins, adept at carrying heavy loads and efficiently covering ground, but also well suited for surfing, rock-garden play, and unrivaled near-shore exploration.

Packrafts: Light and packable one-person rafts suited for both flat and moving water, with or without expedition gear.

Fat Bikes: Mountain bikes with oversized tires, capable of rolling over terrain no other bicycle can.

With dedication, each of these tools can be transformed into an instrument of adventure.

Traversing wild landscapes by human power isn’t a quest to achieve enlightenment. You might, but that’s not the point. Counteracting a cresting wave with a high brace, wheelie dropping into a ravine, or surgically executing an undiscovered line through beach boulders will cause you to lose yourself in single-minded focus and flow.

The instruments of adventure are meant to be played…ideally, with like-minded friends in primordial hinterlands.

This collaborative film is the work of several Salsa sponsored riders:

-Shot and edited by Bjørn Olson

-Original hand-drawn artwork by Kim McNett

-Original soundtrack by Ben Weaver

Sit back, enjoy the film, and let your imagination run wild. Then get out there and get after it.

Instruments of Adventure from Bjørn on Vimeo.


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