Salsa RideCamp 2015: Celebration, Education & Inspiration
Earlier this month Salsa put on its first ever RideCamp event, up in the northwoods of Wisconsin. It was an event we’d dreamt of for three years.
We thought we’d share some of the thoughts from the Salsa Crew and some of our sponsored riders that were in attendance, along with a few of the images that came out of this year’s RideCamp.
Planning for a 2016 RideCamp event has already begun with the location and date still to be determined. If you’re possibly interested in attending, I encourage you to sign up for our E-mail newsletters, as that’s where we will announce Salsa RideCamp 2016 first.
Blood is thicker than water and that’s really what RideCamp felt like to me. The Salsa family grew over the weekend and not just in symbolic fashion. Newfound friends. Shared experiences. Love of bikes and the outdoors. Life as it is meant to be lived. –Mike 'Kid' Riemer, Marketing Manager
At the end of the day, we would bask in firelight and roll with laughter, tell stories and sign songs. Tired from the hard play, we one by one fell asleep under the northern lights, dreaming of the day’s bliss. –Kim McNett, Salsa Sponsored Rider
The camaraderie was a thing to see. Everyone got along great and the evening presentations were inspiring and insightful. It really was just like camping and riding with old friends. –Thomas Scherber, Buyer
RideCamp was a jolting reminder to the love for what we do and who we do it for. –Mark Sirek, Copywriter
For sure my favorite memory was being one of the three last people in the whole camp at the fire on Saturday night. Kim was telling us about watching Orca whales hunting salmon in the shallows, while in the background the Northern Lights were flickering, the stars shining, and the sound of endless snoring echoed across the camp. –Hansi Johnson, RideCamp Bicycling Photo Workshop Instructor
RideCamp was a natural extension of Salsa that spoke true to the brand - all were welcome, knowledge was shared, bikes were ridden and fun was had. It makes me incredibly proud of this group of friends I have. –Jay Petervary, Salsa Sponsored Athlete
RideCamp was the perfect way to simply get a handshake in or give someone a non-digital high five; to welcome these folks into our backyard and share our bikes, our passions, and our stories. –Zach Fink, Warranty & Customer Service
I always knew there was a deeper connection to the bikes than just the way they rode. I can now say I have met the people behind the bikes and they live what they make. You could not have asked for a better environment for a new Salsa Crew member to join the team than at an event like this. –Ethan Frey, Brand Ambassador
Whether it was while riding singletrack, eating dinner, standing around the campfire, presenting at a clinic, or playing music, RideCamp gave me the opportunity to share my own Salsa experiences while at the same time learn a wealth of new knowledge from all the other amazing folks who participated in the weekend. –Ben Weaver, Salsa Sponsored Musician & Rider
From my camp chair I could see the glow of a distant fire surrounded by people laughing and talking with the occasional sound of a free wheel coasting by. I could still feel the day's rides in my legs. Life was good!
Being part of RideCamp meant I was part of something bigger than myself, part of something that was working to make people's lives better and doing so through the use of a bicycle.
I felt I was part of one big happy family. –Tim Ek, Salsa Sponsored Rider
Frosty, dense mornings muting the Skittle-colored array of tents scattered in a wide open field.
Coffee with new and old friends around a resurrected campfire. Donuts and bacon.
The easy, but eager, energy that prevailed around the pre-group ride aggregation and “time to try another Salsa” demo tent.
Kids, accustomed to camp and bike life, circling the camp compound on knee-high bikes and corralling us into their games.
Late afternoon scattering for naps, beers, snacks or one more ride before sun set.
Dinner call.
Woolgathering—inspired and awestruck through tales, imagery and sounds of a few extraordinary and wholehearted guests.
Layers added. Hats, vests, jackets, gloves. Flames, silhouettes, charred marshmallows, plan hatching , BS, laughter, cinders.
Dark sky with silvery, iridescent ribbons and crisp constellations.
Cacophony of distant snores and intermittent coyote calls. –Cori Peplnjak, Brand Ambassador
Adventure by Bike connecting us all. One big family camping, riding, and sharing! Looking forward to next year’s family reunion. –Greg Gleason, Salsa Sponsored Rider
Our heartfelt thanks to those that joined us for Salsa RideCamp 2015! We look forward to seeing you, riding, camping, and sharing again in 2016!