Ten Reasons To Ride JayP's Gravel Pursuit
Salsa sponsored rider Jay Petervary is no stranger to taking part in ultra-endurance events, but he also puts on and promotes a few events himself, including the Gravel Pursuit.
We asked JayP for a short list of reasons why folks should come out to Idaho this September to take part in his Gravel Pursuit event. -Kid
Each of us has different motivations for doing the things we do, and personally, I think my Gravel Pursuit event creates some non-traditional reasons and opportunities for folks that come to take part.
1. Takes place just outside of Yellowstone National Park in the Yellowstone ecosystem.
2. No Casey’s or convenience stores on the route.
3. Abundant wildlife. You may see moose, elk, wolves, or bears.
4. WORLD CLASS fly fishing surrounds you.
5. September in the mountains. Don’t trust the forecast. We’re dealing with micro climates here, so you literally should be prepared for any type of weather.
6. My route requires commitment. At a certain point, you need to commit fully because there is no short cut to take back. Commitment pushes each of us.
7. The course passes by the Tour Divide route, goes into Montana, then passes by the Continental Divide Trail and the Great Western Trail…all hugely iconic routes for modern adventurers.
8. This is where I’ve been riding gravel since before gravel even was gravel. Get a taste of my roots. This event is an extension of who I am.
9. I enjoy watching others achieve a challenge. I enjoy helping make that happen.
10. You WILL NOT be disappointed!
Click here to learn more or register for the 2018 JayP’s Gravel Pursuit!
JayP’s Gravel Pursuit is the last stop of 2018 for our Chase The Chaise campaign! Ride an incredible route, with an incredible people, and take an incredible portrait!