Thank You & Onward Into 2020
Sometime in 1987, during my junior year in university, a classmate showed me a copy of what I recall was Bicycling magazine. On the cover was a studio photo of a mountain bike, the first I’d ever seen. And yes, it was pretty much the coolest thing ever. (To the young folks that can’t imagine that, remember, there was no internet yet, no email, no social media.)
That magazine cover started what I had no idea would become not just a lifelong passion for bikes, but a lifelong career in the bicycle industry.
If I include my early years as a mountain bike photojournalist in the tally, I’m rapidly approaching the 30-year mark in the bicycle business.
Those years have produced great moments and challenging ones, the beginnings of lasting friendships, and unfortunately the passing of others. I’ve been privileged to witness amazing accomplishments, both physical and mental. I’ve been blessed to meet many of you face to face, to share a handshake, a high five, or even a hug, all in the name of this thing called Bike Riding.
Here at Salsa, we often bring up the fact that you, the Salsa customer, pay for our lives. I can’t think of a simpler or more profound way of stating it.
For that, we say thank you.
We wish you all the best in 2020. Onward!